We find housing for you

We all want a comfortable place to come home to after a long day at work. IMPACT will make sure you have a well-equipped apartment to settle into as soon as you arrive in Belgium.

We arrange housing

How it works

IMPACT will arrange housing for you. You will have your own bedroom but will share the rest of the apartment with one or two flatmates. If your family will be joining you in Belgium, we can explore alternative options before you arrive.

  • Apartment near work
  • No contractual obligations, paperwork or worries for you
  • You'’ll never have any unforeseen costs

Furnished apartment

The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with all basic amenities.

Gas and electric

Gas, electricity and heating are included in the rental price.


The apartment has an internet connection.

Experts, just like you

Get inspired by the stories of other international experts who found work in Belgium via IMPACT.

Piotr - Kitchen worktop maker
Marek - Furniture painter

IMPACT’s communication and approach were on another level.

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I feel like IMPACT is genuinely interested in me as a person and how I feel, both in and outside the workplace.

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There’s more we can do to help

IMPACT will make sure you can move into a comfortable apartment close to work after you arrive. We will also arrange a personal coach who can help you with administrative issues and answer any questions you may have.

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Expertise in bouw

Ready? Set? Go abroad!

Moving to Belgium for work is an enriching adventure. It gives you the opportunity to learn more about a different country, culture, language and people. You’ll also receive a higher and well-deserved salary for your work as a specialist.