Jobs in construction

6 jobs found

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As concrete pump operator, you go to different building sites daily to pour concrete. 

Permanent employment after interim
Full time
Day shift
1 - 9 employees

Permanent employment after interim
Full time
Day shift
10 - 49 employees

For our client, family business with 6 employees, are we looking for a good Natural Stone Worker. 

Permanent employment after interim
Full time
Day shift
1 - 9 employees

As a natural stone worker, you will be responsible for renovating unique buildings.

Permanent employment after interim
Full time
Day shift
200 - 999 employees

Are you interested in natural stone? And would you like to work in the construction industry? Then read this job posting.

Permanent employment after interim
Full time
Day shift
10 - 49 employees

Join the team of our client, with the opportunities. 

Permanent employment after interim
Full time
Day shift
10 - 49 employees
Spontaneous application

Apply spontaneously, and we will can you when we find a match!

  • No need to look yourself
  • Only takes 2 - 5 minutes
Apply spontaneously