Will I get an end-of-year bonus as a temporary employee?

The end-of-year bonus is determined in accordance with a reference period, which goes from 1 July (of the previous calendar year) to 30 June (of the current calendar year). It does not matter for which temporary employment agencies you worked during the reference period. All the days you worked are added up. As a temp you are entitled to an end-of-year bonus if you meet one of these conditions:

  • During the reference period, you have worked at least 65 days in a five-day system.
  • During the reference period, you have worked at least 78 days in a six-day system.
  • During the reference period, you have worked at least 494 hours.

If you meet the conditions, you will receive a form from the Social Fund for Temporary Agency Workers. The end-of-year bonus granted to you will be + 8.33% of the gross salary you earned during your reference period. The net premium is ± 63% of the gross premium.

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